Transient Voltammetry
(Linear) scan, Sweep, Ramp of voltage
\(E(t) = E_0 \pm vt\)
Linear - Scan voltammetry
- Plot of current vs time
Cyclic voltammetry
- Cycles back to starting point
- Reversal time
- Reversal potential, switching potential
- Plot of current vs potential
Contains info on:
- Number if steps (peaks)
- Character and reversibility (shape)
- Kinetics and transport (shape, offset)
- Charge (Integral of peaks)
Ultimate cyclic voltammetry
- Repeats the cycling until pattern becomes the same
Kinetics is fast, diffusion is slow, transport is slow. Transport limited
Kinetics limits, diffusion is fast
Both limits somewhat
Semiintegration is skipped in this course.
Multiple electron transfers
\(Ni = Ni^{2+} + 2e^-\)
$ 2H_2O = O_2 + 4e^- + 4H^+$