Sol-gel (my slave for LNMO)

You start with a solution, form a gel for heterogeneous dispersion of atomically mixed atoms (hopefully), then decompose gel and sinter -> dream of perfect atomically mixed compounds

  • Formation of an oxide netowrk through polycondensation reactions of a molecular precursor in a liquid.
  • Sol: stble dispersion of colloidal particles or polymers in a solvent.
  • Gel: 3D-continous network
  • Prevent problems w/coprecipitation
  • Results in smaller particles
  • Developed in 1960 due to nuclear industry
  • Quick clay
  • Shapes: Fibres, powders, xerogel films -> dense ceramic film
  • Ex: PZT piezoelectric, stoichi hard to control via ceramic method (and needs 1100\(^\circ\)C); but w/sol-gel it is easier and only 570-700\(^\circ\)C needed.



  • Colloidal particles not dissolved, but should not agglomerate or sediment.
  • Agglomeration (by Van der Waals) is avoided by:
    • Electrostatic repulsion: Charges particle surface and makes them repel. Important for colloidal system.
    • Steric hindrance: Particles adsorb a thick layer of organic molecules(SURFACTANTS). Works best in concentrated dispersions. Branched adsorbates works best. Usual for nanomaterials.

Point of Zero Charge (PZC)

  • e\(^-\)-static repulsion is because: Surface/particle is covered by ionic groups which determines surface potential. Counter ions in solution covers this layer, shielding the rest of the sol from the surface charges.
  • For hydroxides, surface potential is determined by pH
  • pH where particles is neutral is the PZC
  • pH > PZC -> surface is - charged
  • pH < PZC -> surface is + charged
  • Size of surface potential \(\phi_0\) depends on difference between pH and PZC

Double layer

  • Particle moves to electrode with opposite charge and carry adsorbed layer + counter ions
  • “slip plane” divides what moves with particle and rest of sol.
    • Slip plane potential = Zeta Potential \(\phi_Z\)
    • Iso-electrical point (IEP) is which pH makes \(\phi_Z\)=0
    • Larger \(\phi_Z\) = greater stability colloid. (Should be >30-50mV)
  • Given same surface potential, repulsive forces will increase with larger particles.

Coagulation / Flocculation

  • Occur if:
    • \(\phi\) is lowered (by pH)
    • Increase # counter ions (decreases thickness of doublelayer)
    • Increase in
  • In some cases, it can be re-dispersed:
    • Called Peptizing
    • Removing counter ions (e.g. by washing or adding charged ions(reestablishes double layer))

Netowork formation (gelation)

  • Gel-time: The time it takes to gelate enough to put the container upside down.

Ostwald ripening: Can help with creating monodisperse particle sizes Ageing: The gel is still alive and will continue gelation Drying: Maintained structure -> aerogel, collapsed -> Xerogel



  • Forms gel easily: Not very electropositive and not susceptible to nucleophilic reactions.
  • Sol-Gel in some steps:
    • Hydrolysis + condensation of molecules
    • Formation of Sol
    • Gelation(sol-gel transformation)
    • Ageing + Drying

Hydrolysis + condensation

  • Alkoxides / silanols -> Siloxane groups (Si - O - Si)(with 3 dangling Si bonds)
  • Hydrolysis: Si-O-R + H\(_2\)O -> Si-OH + ROH
  • Condensation: Si-OH + Si-OR -> Si-o-Si + ROH

Slica-gel precursors

-Water-glass (Na\(_2\)SiO\(_3\))Si alkoxide
Dissolved in:waterorganics (alcohol)
Reactive part:silanolhyrolysis (OR exchanged for OH)
Gelation starts:with pH changeAddition of water

More for alkoxides:

  • It is more complex, but might give more control
  • 2 reaction paths:
    • pH< PZC -> species is positive
    • pH > PZC -> species is negative
  • Acid or base must be used to catalyze reaction

Condensation parameters:

  • Precursor type
  • Water-alkoxide ratio (R\(_W\))
  • Catalyst type
  • Solvent type
  • Temp , pH
  • Relative + absolute consentration of reactants
  • electron density on Si
    • Acid catalyzed demands high electron density
    • Base catalyzed demands low electron density
    • Acid catalyzed -> straight chains
    • Base catalyzed -> Branched networks
  • R\(_W\) = 1 -> hydrolysis, no condensation


  • Can create gels
  • Often octahedrally coordinated with Oxygen
  • Less free than Si tetrahedrons
  • Hydrolysis of Ti(OR)\(_4\) 10\(^5\) faster than Si


  • Pb(Zr\(_{0.48}\),Ti\(_{0.52}\))O\(_3\)
    • Start w/oxides which needs high temp to decompose
    • Need stoichi control + homogeneity
    • Pb is volatile, so it makes it stay.