- Charge
- Electrostatic force
- Electrical work
- Capacitance
- Current
- Conductance and resistance
- DC, AC voltage, current and impedance
Electrical charge
- Physical property of matter
- Equal charge repels
- Opposite charge attracts
- Quantized in elemental charge \(e\).
- 1\(e\) = \(1.602\times10^{-19}\)
- Symbol of charge: q, unit: C (Coulomb)
- Electron charge: -\(e\), proton: \(e\), Neutron: 0
- Force between charges: \(F = -\frac{k_e q_1 q_1}{r^2} = -\frac{q_1 q_2}{4 \pi \epsilon_0 r^2}\)
- \(k_e\) = electrical constant, which for vacuum =\(\frac{1}{4\pi \epsilon_0}\)
- \(\epsilon_0\) = dielectric constant (tabular value)
- Net charge seeks to external boundaries(surfaces, interfaces)
- Interior(bulk) phases remain electronneutral
- Electroneutrality: Sum of negative and positive charges balance (cancel) each other
Electrical field
- \(X = \frac{F}{Q_{test}}\)
- Spherical field - inverse square law
- \(F = -\frac{q_1 q_2}{4 \pi \epsilon_0 r^2}\), \(X = \frac{q_1}{4 \pi \epsilon_0 r^2}\)
- Fields run from positive to negative (arrows of field towards negative) and shows in what direction a positive charge feels the force.
- Planar field
- Charge density of plates \(q\)(C/m\(^2\))
- Force is independent of distance (\(l\))
- Total field strength: \(X = \frac{q}{\epsilon}\)
Electrical work
- Work is force times distance
- W = \(F\times[-\delta R] = -QX\delta r\)
- Travel \(\delta r\) is there negative and the work we do is positive.
- Electric Potential
- Difference in potential between two sites (constant field):
- \(U = \phi_B - \phi_A = \frac{W_{A->B}}{Q} = -X\delta r\)
- 1V = 1J/C (one unit work per unit charge)
- Potential over variable field(Spherical symmetry):
- Poisson equation explains how potential varies in space from a net charge.
- Planar case: areal charge densities \(q_0\) and \(q_L\)
- \(\frac{d^2\phi}{dx^2} = \frac{-\rho(x)}{\epsilon}\)
Conductance and capacitance
Conductors: long range transport
Dielectrics(capacitance) only short range transport
- Insulators
- Electronic conductords
- Metals, semiconds(CB electrons, VB holes)
- Ionic conductors
- Anionic, cationic
- Crystalline: Defects, vacancy, interstitial, intercalation??
- Electronic conductords
Stored charge \(Q = \frac{-A\epsilon}{L}\Delta E\)
Capacitance \(C = \frac{-Q}{\Delta E} = \frac{\epsilon A}{L}\)
- Unit: F = C/V
- \(\epsilon = \epsilon_r \epsilon_0\) Relative*vacuum permitivity.
I = Q/t, 1A = 1C/s
Current density: i (A/m\(^2\)) = I/A (current devided by arial)
Conductivity \(\sigma\) or \(\kappa\) (S/m)=i/X (Ohms Lov)
Conductance G
Resistitivity \(\rho\)(ohm m)
Resistance R (ohm)
- Mechanical mobility B expresses how easy it is to move a species of drift velocity \(v\) by a force F
- \(v = BF\)
- Current density is obtained by multiplication with concentration and charge
- \(i = zecv = zecBF\) (z = # charges, e = elem charge)
- Charge mobility (or just mobility) is defined as \(u = zeB\)
- i = zecBF = ucF
- In electrical field: F = zeX
- i = ucF=zeucX
- Conductivity is charge times charge mobility time concentration: \(\sigma = zeuc\)
- \(i = \sigma X\) (Ohms law)