Fish and Chips
Tired of the taste of cod? Try something exciting! This is an easy dinner which tastes great.
For two persons:
- 4 medium potatoes
- olive oil
- spice for potato chips
- 375g deboned and skin free cod cod fryer coating
- 120g wheat flour
- 0.5 teaspoons salt
- 1.5 teaspoons bakingsoda
- 1.3 dL water Tartar sauce
- 1 eggyolk
- 0.5 teaspoons lemonjuice
- 0.5 teaspoons dijon mustard
- 0.5 cloves of garlic
- 1 dL oil (I tried olive, it was bad. Try something tasteless)
- 1.5 pickles
- 1.5 tbs capers
- salt
How to
Start by preparing the potato, the rest can be done while the potato is beeing baked/fried.
- Peel all the potatoes
- Cut to sticks
- Add to a plastic bag, and add some olive oil and cips spice (I used “grillkrydder”). Then fondle the bag to make sure that it is spread evenly
- Put a baking paper in a large oven pan and make the potatoes span the entire pan.
- Bake at 200\(^\circ\)C until it looks good.
Cod fryer coating batter
This is supposed to rest in the fridge for 20min when done, so do this now, and then make the tartar sauce
- Mix wheat flour, salt, baking soda, and add cold water
- Mix until smooth and put to rest in the fridge.
Tartar sauce
- Mix eggyolk with lemon juice, dijon mustard and pressed garlic.
- while mixing violently, slowly add all the oil.
- Chop up and add the pickles and capers. Add salt to your liking
Cod frying
If you want to make an oilbath, be my guest. I just use a lot of butter in a pan.
- Add a lot (maybe start with 50g) butter to a frying pan, and put the heat up high
- Cut up the cod in sticks sized to your liking. Do any eventual deboning or deskinning. The pieces should ideally be less than 2 cm thick in order to be properly cooked.
- When hot (Butter starts to brown), Coat the cod in the batter and put it in the pan.
- Let it fry on one side until brown before you flip it.
- Do this to all the cod pieces
When this is done, the potatoes should soon be ready. Serve with the tartarsauce and some ketchup.
Note to self: The tartarsauce was horrible, but Maria liked it very much.